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Beethoven Head Sculpt

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View More Details - Composer Version

View More Details - Maestro Version

*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: End of August.

*Shipping Fee: $25 EMS Shipping(Worldwide)

*High quality resin casted head sculpt.

*Artist custom painted head sculpt.

*Painted version will be included Certification card + High quality collection box.

*Sculpted and painted by Serang.

Item No. OBG12BCPS 

Painted Beethoven 'Composer' Head Sculpt

Price $250

Item No. OBG12BCUS 

Sold Out

Item No. OBG12BMPS 

Painted Beethoven 'Maestro' Head Sculpt

Price $250

Item No. OBG12BMUS 

Sold Out

(For Korean) 베토벤 헤드/ 선주문/ 2012년 8월말 배송예정.(우체국 착불택배 배송 )

Item No. OBG12BCPS 도색 베토벤 작곡가 버전 헤드 - 25만원

Item No. OBG12BMPS 도색 베토벤 지휘자 버전 헤드 - 25만원

(도색버전은 한정판 인증서+고급 상자 포함)

Beethoven Custom Kit (With out Body)

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View More Details - Composer Version

View More Details - Maestro Version

*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: End of August.

*Shippinmg Fee: $35 EMS shipping(Worldwide)

*Hand made full custom kit.(Body not included)

*It will be fit Hot Toys Body.

*It is a professional art work, very collectable masterpiece.

*It will be shipped on End of August. 2012.

*Full custom works by Serang Kim

Item No. OBG12BCPK 

Sold Out

*Parts; head sculpt + Hands + Shoes + Hearing aid + Score sheet(3 pieces) + Feather Pen.

*Clothing; Waist Belt(Maternity Belt) + Men's Shirts + Tan Color Fall Front Pants + Suspenders + Dark Red Necktie + Dark Grey Waist Coat(Vest) + Dark Brown Overcoat + Black Cloak(Cape).

Item No. OBG12BCUK 

Sold Out

Item No. OBG12BMPK 

Sold Out

*Parts; head sculpt + Hands + Shoes + Baton + Score Book.

*Clothing; Waist Belt(Maternity Belt) + Men's Shirts + Cream Color Slim Fit Fall Front Pants + White Necktie + Champagne Gold Waist Coat(Vest) + Dark Blue Tailcoat.

Item No. OBG12BMUK 

Sold Out

(For Korean) 한정판 베토벤 커스텀 키트(바디 미포함)/ 선주문/ 2012년 8월말 배송예정/ 우체국 착불택배 배송.

Item No. OBG12BCUK 미도색 베토벤 작곡가 버전 커스텀 키트 - 절판

Item No. OBG12BCPK 도색 베토벤 작곡가 버전 커스텀 키트 -  절판

*레진 파트; 헤드 + 핸즈 + 신발 + 보청기 + 깃털펜 + 낱장 악보 3매.

*의상; 체형 보정 복대 + 셔츠 + 바지 + 멜빵 + 암적색 넥타이 + 조끼 + 오버코트 + 망토.

Item No. OBG12BMUK 미도색 베토벤 지휘자 버전 커스텀 키트 - 절판

Item No. OBG12BMPK 도색 베토벤 지휘자 버전 커스텀 키트 - 절판

*레진 파트; 헤드 + 핸즈 + 신발 + 지휘봉 + 악보책.

*의상; 체형 보정 복대 + 셔츠 + 슬림 핏 바지 + 흰색 넥타이 + 조끼 + 연미복.

Beethoven Full Custom Figure

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View More Details - Composer Version

View More Details - Maestro Version

*Scale: 1/6th

*Available: Limited Edition/ Pre-Order

*Item location: S.Korea.

*Shipping date: End of August.

*Shippinmg Fee: $35 EMS shipping(Worldwide)

*Hand made full custom Figure.

*It is a professional art work, very collectable masterpiece.

*It will be shipped on End of August. 2012.

*Full custom works by Serang Kim

Item No. OBG12BCF

Beethoven 'Composer Version' Full Custom Figure

Sold Out

*Parts; head sculpt + Hands + Shoes + Hearing aid + Score sheet(3 pieces) + Feather Pen.

*Clothing; Waist Belt(Maternity Belt) + Men's Shirts + Tan Color Fall Front Pants + Suspenders + Dark Red Necktie + Dark Grey Waist Coat(Vest) + Dark Brown Overcoat + Black Cloak(Cape).

Item No. OBG12BMF

Beethoven 'Maestro Version' Full Custom Figure

Sold Out

*Parts; head sculpt + Hands + Shoes + Baton + Score Book.

*Clothing; Waist Belt(Maternity Belt) + Men's Shirts + Cream Color Slim Fit Fall Front Pants + White Necktie + Champagne Gold Waist Coat(Vest) + Dark Blue Tailcoat.

Item No. OBG12BCFP

Beethoven Complete Package

Sold Out

*Beethoven 'Composer Version' Figure + 'Maestro Version' Figure with all accessories.  

(For Korean) 한정판 베토벤 풀커스텀 피겨/ 선주문/ 2012년 8월말 배송예정/ 우체국 착불택배 배송.

Item No. OBG12BCF 베토벤 작곡가 버전 풀 커스텀 피겨 - Sold Out

*레진 파트; 헤드 + 핸즈 + 신발 + 보청기 + 깃털펜 + 낱장 악보 3매.

*의상; 체형 보정 복대 + 셔츠 + 바지 + 멜빵 + 암적색 넥타이 + 조끼 + 오버코트 + 망토.

Item No. OBG12BMF 베토벤 지휘자 버전 풀 커스텀 피겨 - Sold Out

*레진 파트; 헤드 + 핸즈 + 신발 + 지휘봉 + 악보책.

*의상; 체형 보정 복대 + 셔츠 + 슬림 핏 바지 + 흰색 넥타이 + 조끼 + 연미복.

Item No. OBG12BCFP 베토벤 컴플리트 피겨 패키지 - Sold Out

*완벽히 독립된 두체의 베토벤 '작곡가 버전' + '지휘자 버전' 피겨 세트.



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